Wholesale Enquiries

Prove Patisserie commenced as a wholesale bakery and this continues to be an important part of our business.

We wholesale our bread, pastries and baked goods with minimum weekly spends applying. We have a very limited delivery route but otherwise offer pick up from our Stepney location from 6.15am Tuesday to Saturday inclusive.

Most of the items on our website are available for wholesale with a couple of exceptions, ie fougasse.

As we are an artisan producer of high quality baked goods, we require frequent regular orders to ensure quality and freshness of our product.

Please note our wholesale business is run separately from our retail business. Please do not ring our shop line with wholesale enquiries as our retail staff will simply direct you back to this page.

Please direct all enquiries to info@provepatisserie.com.au and include the following details:

  • Your venue’s name,

  • Location (please note we have a very limited delivery route of CBD and city fringe. If you are outside our delivery route we offer pick up from approx 6.15am on the days we bake);

  • Anticipated Volume of product required so we can assess how this fits with our existing production requirements; and

  • Your contact telephone number and best time to discuss your bread (and/or) pastry needs.

We will endeavour to come back to your wholesale enquiry as promptly as possible.

Please note, due to our current production levels, we are unlikely to assist with the production of any separate items not available on our website.

Thank you,

Anna & Megs